What happened to my About box?

I’m sure this is going to be something silly, but after a half an hour of trying to figure it out, I figured I’d post something here.

I’m creating a drag-and-drop AppleScript Studio app and my menu item for About (this application) is grayed out. I started the project with XCode’s template for an “AppleScript droplet” and I thought it automatically generates an “About” box that is triggered by the menu item in the Application menu.

Maybe I inadvertently turned it off somewhere. Anyone know where I turn it back on?


If no applescript handler or cocoa action is assigned to the menu item, the item will automatically be greyed out at launch time. You either accidentally deleted it’s connection, or it was never made. You can connect it to the default about panel by control dragging between the menu item and the file’s owner and selecting the “orderFrontStandardAboutPanel” action. Or, you can create a custom about window, and connect a ‘choose menu item’ handler to the menu item and use something like “show window “myAboutWindow””.


You can also use connections to do this (this also applies to preference windows, etc.). Do this in Interface Builder:

(Copy/paste from my post in Apple Disscussions about connecting a preferences window)

Ctrl+click (and hold) the menu item, then drag the line that appears to the preferences window icon that appears in the window for the nib file (likely called MainMenu.nib). Now a bunch of options will show up in the Info window. Choose “makeKeyAndOrderFront:”, then click the “Connect” button at the bottom of the Info window.

I made a video clip [link removed, file no longer hosted] for this before. I’ll put it back up for a little bit.

Edit: Heh, I just noticed that jobu said something about connections. I guess that’s what happens when I post on forums when I should be sleeping.

Edit: (10 Nov 2005) The video is back: ib_window_connection.mov

Wow thanks! I clearly have a lot to learn about Interface Builder and XCode. I should take a trip to the bookstore. Any suggestions for good books about all this?

Thanks again.