So I uploaded my AppleScripts to Github, but I’m not sure if I’m doing this correctly.
All my scripts are in iCloud Drive’s “Script Editor” folder. I uploaded/synced this folder to Github repository. I did this by going to that folder and typing:
git ini
git add .
git commit -m “first commit”
I think I pushed it to the GitHub repository with GitHub’s desktop app, and I use that to sync it regularly.
The problem is, when I go to Github, all the files with extension .scpt are “raw” and can’t be viewed in GitHub, but can be downloaded for viewing. I tried saving the files as .applescript but then when viewed in GitHub, the entire script is into one line. How do I make the applescripts viewable with multiple lines in Github?
I thought I would make it simple by making one repository for all my applescripts, but should each script have its own repository?