Trying to open some “classic” Word files with Office 2004
And save them to a new folder
… disaster
Can anyone help?
set inputfolder to (choose folder)
set destFolder to (choose folder)
set theFiles to list folder inputfolder without invisibles
repeat with x from 1 to count of theFiles
set thefile to item x of theFiles
set inputfile to quoted form of (inputfolder & thefile)
tell application "Word"
save inputfile as (destFolder & thefile & ".doc")
end tell
end repeat
set inputfolder to (choose folder) as text
set destFolder to (choose folder) as text
set theFiles to list folder inputfolder without invisibles
activate application "Microsoft Word"
repeat with x from 1 to count of theFiles
set thefile to item x of theFiles
set inputfile to (inputfolder & thefile)
tell application "Microsoft Word"
open file inputfile
save document 1 in (destFolder & thefile & ".doc")
close document 1 saving no
end tell
end repeat
Thanks Again
Now the conversion works well
The only problem is as follows:
This is an example of structure of a folder to convert
The Script gives an error if I create the destination folder inside the folder whose files I want to convert.
I think this happens because inside the “Published” folder there are both files and other folders-
Is there some changes to the script so choosing the create a destination folder inside the folder I want to convert the script will not give error although the script finds both folders and files. Just working with the files?
While this is no big deal it will be helpful as the various folders contain files of the same sort. The ability to save them next to the originals allows me to preserve the original folder structure for future usage
Thanks again for your time.
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Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)