While writing to text file, adds unwanted text - «constant ****RGB»

Trying to write a script, which should browse thru the folder containing images and write the file name, resolution color space to a text file. I am using Script Debugger on Mac 10.5.7.
When i run it as Compiled Script from debugger, script writes the file info properly.
Eg: Ducky.tif 72 RGB
But, after i saved the script into an application and ran the application, i see additional info, which is not required.
Eg: Ducky.tif 72 «constant ****RGB»

Please advise.

set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose your folder:"
tell application "Finder"
	set imageList to myFolder's document files
	set theFilePath to (path to desktop as string) & "FileList.txt" as string
	set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath with write permission
	set eof theFileReference to 0
	repeat with i from 1 to (count of imageList)
		set theImage to item i of imageList
		tell application "Image Events"
			set imRef to open theImage as alias
			tell imRef
				set {x, y} to resolution
				set colSpace to color space
				set imageName to name
				close imRef
				tell application "Finder" to write imageName & tab & (x as integer) & tab & colSpace & return to theFileReference as text
			end tell
		end tell
	end repeat
	close access theFileReference
end tell



color space is a constant, not a string, and the Finder doesn’t know this constant. Coercing it to text avoids the problem.
By the way. read/write is a scripting addition and doesn’t need a target application.
And in your script are too many nested tell blocks, which can also cause problems

set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose your folder:"
tell application "Finder" to set imageList to myFolder's document files
set theFilePath to (path to desktop as string) & "FileList.txt" as string
set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath with write permission
set eof theFileReference to 0
launch application "Image Events"
repeat with i from 1 to (count of imageList)
	set theImage to item i of imageList as alias
	tell application "Image Events"
		set imRef to open theImage
		tell imRef
			set {x, y} to resolution
			set colSpace to color space as text
			set imageName to name
			close imRef
		end tell
	end tell
	write imageName & tab & (x as integer) & tab & colSpace & return to theFileReference
end repeat
close access theFileReference

Hi StefanK,
Thanks a million for the modified script and explanation.

I have modified the script to cater for EPS files from Photoshop and Illustrator.

Now i am facing another issue (Intermittent problem). Once in a while when i run the script, getting error message “The Variable imRef is not defined”.

i am struggling to fix this. Would appreciate, if you could look at the script and advise the better way to address this issue.

set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose your folder:"
tell application "Finder"
	set imageList to myFolder's document files
	set theFilePath to (path to desktop as string) & "FileList.txt" as string
	set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath with write permission
	set eof theFileReference to 0
	write "Image Name" & tab & "Resolution" & tab & "Dimension (Inches)" & tab & "Color Mode" & return to theFileReference
	repeat with i from 1 to (count of imageList)
		set theImage to item i of imageList
		tell application "Image Events"
			open theImage as alias
			if creator type of theImage = "8BIM" and file type of theImage = "EPSF" then
				tell application "Finder" to set The_File to theImage as alias
				set props_rec to properties of theImage
				set imageName to name of theImage
				my EPS_Res(The_File)
			tell application "Finder" to write imageName & tab & result & return to theFileReference -- i have to use target app. here, if not getting error message
			else if creator type of theImage is "ART5" or kind of theImage is "Encapsulated Postscript" then
				set props_rec to properties of theImage
				set imageName to name of theImage
				tell application "Finder" to write imageName & tab & "Illustrator File" & return to theFileReference
				tell application "Finder" to set The_File to theImage
				my Tiff_Res(The_File)
				tell application "Finder" to write (result as text) & return to theFileReference
			end if
		end tell
	end repeat
	close access theFileReference
end tell

on EPS_Res(The_File)
		set HiResBox to find text "%%HiResBoundingBox: [. [:digit:]]{1,}" in The_File with regexp
		set {ASTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, space}
		set Height_Points to text item -1 of matchResult of HiResBox
		set Width_Points to text item -2 of matchResult of HiResBox
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
	on error
		set HiResBox to ""
	end try
		set ImageData to find text "%ImageData: [ [:digit:]]{1,} \"beginimage\"" in The_File with regexp
		set {ASTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, space}
		set Height_Pixels to text item 3 of matchResult of ImageData
		set Width_Pixels to text item 2 of matchResult of ImageData
		set col_space to text item 5 of matchResult of ImageData
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
	on error
		set ImageData to ""
	end try
	if HiResBox ≠ "" and ImageData ≠ "" then
		set Height_Res to (Height_Pixels / (Height_Points / 72)) as integer
		set Width_Res to (Width_Pixels / (Width_Points / 72)) as integer
		set heightImage to (Height_Pixels / Height_Res)
		set heightImage to (round (heightImage * 100)) / 100
		set widthImage to (Width_Pixels / Width_Res)
		set widthImage to (round (widthImage * 100)) / 100
		if col_space = "1" then
			set col_space to "Bitmap/Grayscale"
		else if col_space = "2" then
			set col_space to "LAB"
		else if col_space = "3" then
			set col_space to "RGB"
		else if col_space = "4" then
			set col_space to "CMYK"
		else if col_space = "5" then
			set col_space to "MultiChannel"
		end if
		return Height_Res & tab & widthImage & " x " & heightImage & tab & col_space
		return false
	end if
end EPS_Res

on Tiff_Res(The_File)
	tell application "Image Events"
		set imRef to open The_File as alias
		tell imRef
			set {x, y} to resolution
			set colSpace to color space as text
			set imageName to name
			set {m, n} to dimensions
			set widthImage to (m / x)
			set widthImage to (round (widthImage * 1000)) / 1000
			set heightImage to (n / y)
			set heightImage to (round (heightImage * 1000)) / 1000
			close imRef
			return (imageName & tab & (x as integer) & tab & (widthImage & " x " & heightImage) & tab & (colSpace as text))
		end tell
	end tell
end Tiff_Res

Thanks in advance

I guess you must launch Image Events somewhere at the beginning of the script

Thanks StefanK, Will test that out.
