Wildcard Folder Action

I need to create a folder action that would apply one of the following:

copy (to a location)
move (to a location)
synchronize (to a location)

All based on a wildcard placed at the front of the file/folder name. Wildcards could be the following:

  • to move items to a location
  • to copy items to a location
    & to synchronize to a location
  • to delete items

With the exception of the delete function, the script would need to remove the wildcard after completing the action. This would allow a workstation to monitor a folder and perform the action for users thus offloading the work.

Could I get some help with this?

You can find here some folder action scripts, which you can easilly adaptate to fit your needs:

I understand.

However I need to do this in OS 9 because I have a pool of beige G3s doing the work. I have to prove it then move onto newer hardware and then OS X. Also, actions do not work as reliably under OS X. At least based on my experience. The wild card part of this is the part that is so very crucial and what makes it sexy in the first place.