I know that ‘Preview’ isn’t scriptable (i’m on OS 10.6). But sometimes you can get pretty nice results coding some workarounds.
So, my questions is if i can get any infos on which window area application ‘Preview’is currently focused:
main window area
column area (cmd+shift+d)
my first approach is :
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Preview"
set nrw to number of windows
if nrw > 0 then
tell window 1
end tell
end if
end tell
but then i need to work with raw code, where i’m not practical. Some hints?
Something like this for size – column width is not available among the properties
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Preview"
set nrw to number of windows
if nrw > 0 then
tell window 1
set SZ to size
end tell
end if
end tell
Hi Adam,
thanks nevertheless. Not that i get fancy to code for non-scriptable apps, but have you an idea where i can study a bit of raw-coding ? i remember you wrote a very useful tutorial about mdfind using raw-code in another situation. I think, in my case is unlikely that i’ll find something useful to solve my problem. This time its really too nested stuff.
Get the focussed element of the application and get it’s parent until you get the main window area or the column area.
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Preview"
if number of windows < 1 then
return "Application"
end if
tell splitter group 1 of window 1
if number of scroll areas = 1 then
-- the column area isn't visible
return "Main window area"
end if
set mainWindowArea to scroll area 1
set columnArea to scroll area 2
end tell
set anElement to value of attribute "AXFocusedUIElement"
if anElement = mainWindowArea then
return "Main window area"
else if anElement = columnArea then
return "Column area"
else if anElement = it then
return "Application"
end if
set anElement to value of attribute "AXParent" of anElement
end repeat
end tell
end tell