I would like to add autoshapes in word document something like a flowchart or arrows or some random shapes using the mac script.
set newShape to make new shape with properties {shape type:autoshape pentagon, width:100, height:100}
facing error while execution: “Can’t make autoshape pentagon into type constant. (-1700)”
Can anyone suggest a solution.
The correct syntax from Microsoft Word AppleScript reference:
make new shape at active document with properties {auto shape type:autoshape rectangle, left position:50, top:50, width:100, height:200}
Simply replace “autoshape rectangle” with “autoshape pentagon”
See pages 376-379
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@KniazidisR @Fredrik71 Thanks for the help, I would like to know if its possible to set page color of word document using apple script. I have been trying out following code snippet
tell its active document set fore color of fill format of background shape to theColor set visible of fill format of background shape to true end tell
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
The background shape of certain document is read only object. You can’t set or edit its colours. Make new shape over the background shape with bounds of the background shape (you can read them to some variable to use them for new shape). You can read/write (apply colours as well) on the new shape.
Snippet of code I tried,
> on run argv
set targetDoc to item 1 of argv
tell application "Microsoft Word"
tell its document targetDoc
set myPagesetup to page setup of document targetDoc
set myPagewidth to page width of myPagesetup
set myPageheight to page height of myPagesetup
# display dialog "Page width: " & myPagewidth & return & "Page height: " & myPageheight
set myShape to make new shape at document targetDoc with properties {auto shape type:autoshape rectangle, top:0, width:myPagewidth, height:myPageheight, left position:0}
set fore color of fill format of myShape to {fill type:fill solid, color:{255, 0, 0}}
set z order of myShape to send shape behind text
end tell
end tell
end run
Currently facing an error that: “Microsoft Word got an error: Can’t set «class 3326» of shape “Shape_25” of document “Monte_Cristo_original_small.docx” to send shape behind text. (-10006)” Object is created on the document, but could not send it to behind text.
I’m not using a Microsoft Word, so I just have to guess that the send command that sends the text to the front doesn’t exist.
Do not send nothing, do not fill fore color. Use back color instead. Example:
set back color of fill format of myShape to {255, 0, 0} as RGB color
z order
is a command, not a property. (Although, the command does have z order command
parameter (or property)).
z order v : Moves the specified shape in front of or behind other shapes.
z order shape
z order command bring shape to front/send shape to back/bring shape forward/send shape backward/bring shape in front of text/send shape behind text
You should be able to change the colour of the background shape. The set
command seems correct but I don’t know about the tell statement? Why the peculiar tell its…
fore color (RGB color) : Returns or sets a RGB color that represents the foreground color for the fill, line, or shadow.
I would recommend simplifying your script until you get it working. Just open a single document and use the minimum of tell statements so that you know exactly what you (and your script) are referencing. And by the way, colours are 16-bit (i.e. 5 digits for each channel). Finally, both the shape and its fill format have a visible property.