Work with outlineView

I have outlineView with two fields - string, and boolean. I try to inject data into outlineView, but I do something wrong and it doesn’t work well.
In example from Apple and documentation, I understand, that outlineView_child_ofItem_ find data for row of index and in outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem_ i should have data from return of outlineView_child_ofItem_ in the variable item, but I have

. I tried to work around this, but it doesn’t work well. I have problem too with

log item's numberOfChildren()

. It doesn’t work, why ?? Could someone help me ?? Thx in advance.

	on awakeFromNib()
		set dataSource to NSMutableArray's alloc()'s init()
		set theDataString to {{someString:"ghjk", theState:1}, {someString:"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", theState:1}, {someString:"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", theState:0}, {someString:"War and Peace", theState:0}}
		dataSource's addObjectsFromArray_(theDataString)
		aTableView's reloadData()
	end awakeFromNib

	on outlineView_child_ofItem_(aTableView,index,item)
		if (item is equal to null) then
			return "s"
			log index
			set lista to dataSource's objectAtIndex_(index)
			log lista
			return dataSource's objectAtIndex_(index)
		end if
	end outlineView_child_ofItem_
	on outlineView_isItemExpandable_(aTableView, item)
		if (item is null) then
			return 1
			return 0
		end if
	end outlineView_isItemExpandable_
	on outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem_(aTableView, item)
			if item is missing value then
			return 1
--			log item's numberOfChildren()
			return 4
		end if
	end outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem_
	on outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem_(aTableView, tableColumn, item)
		set ident to tableColumn's identifier as string
		log ident
		log item
		if (item is null) then
			return "/"
		else if (ident is "someString") then
			return someString of lista
			return theState of lista
		end if
	end outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem_

An NSAppleEventDescriptor object is a Cocoa object containing an AppleScript object. Whenever you call a method in one AS class from another, any parameters passed are converted to NSAppleEventDescriptor instances – that is why when you get them as an argument, you have to coerce them to their AppleScript class.

So I’m not sure what your problem is, but it sounds like you may be missing a coercion.

It’s seems make sense. I haven’t done any conversion and it’s seems to be reason, why it doesn’t work well. I searched function to do that and i found coerceToDescriptorType. Is it this function to that thing ?? Maybe You could write, how to convert NSAppleEventDescriptor to Apple Script obj, because only what i have is next and next error :P.

All you need is “as” – it’s a matter of knowing what class it represents. You probably need “as record”.

It doesn’t work :(.

Maybe help:

		set asd to item record 0
		log asd 

Do You have any idea, what can i do with it ??

I think, that item doesn’t contain any data and it’s bug, but i’m not sure :/. I think that, because many/any of NSAppleEventDescriptor method doesn’t work :/.

For example:

I’m not sure what your problem is, I’m afraid. Your data is a flat list of records, which is strange for an outline view – you have no children or parents.