Workflow Applescrpt Launch

Hi I’m new to applescript and mac in general so go easy on me. How can you make a Automator workflow run on startup? And also how do you run a Automator Workflow using applescript?


Under the users part of System Preferences, you can say what programs run at start up. I am currently at work on my windows machine so I cant give you the exact location off the top of my head :wink:

And in Automator, there is a “Run Applescript” step you can drag over to the right hand side. From there you get a blank box and you can input your code there.

I am sorry if you have misunderstood me, but what I was trying to say is, is it possible to make an applescript that will run on login which will then do some things and then run an automator workflow?

To expand on what Jesse said you go to System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items. Here you can select an Automator application or Applescript to launch at startup.

Ok thanks I’ll try and do it that way.