Here is an enhanced version which, when the doc is a word Processing one, return also the contents of the commented paragraphs.
--[SCRIPT list_comments]
Enregistrer le script en tant que Script ou Application :
déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Pages et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
Ouvrir un document Pages
Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Pages puis choisir "list_comments"
Le script crée une liste des commentaires insérés dans le document.
L'aide du Finder explique:
L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
Sous 10.6.x,
aller dans le panneau "Général" du dialogue Préférences de l'Éditeur Applescript
puis cocher la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus".
Save the script as a Script or an Application :
Move the newly created file into the folder:
<startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Pages:
Maybe you would have to create the folder Pages and even the folder Applications by yourself.
Open a Pages document
Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Pages, then choose "list_comments"
The script builds a list of comments embedded in the document.
The Finder's Help explains:
To make the Script menu appear:
Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
Under 10.6.x,
go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor's Preferences dialog box
and check the "Show Script menu in menu bar" option.
2011/03/14 -- first draft
2011/03/15 -- added close_palettes handler
changed the test extracting the comments.
I asked for Description = "Figure" but this value is localized. In English it's "shape".
Alas I don't know the file in which it's defined.
So, I no longer extract this way. Now I use an awful but safe request.
2011/03/16 -- Extract the text of commented paragraphs
2011/03/20 -- Found a way to get the localized string "shape" so re-introduced a cleaner test.
property shape_loc : missing value
property viewScale : missing value
on run
--run script do_your_duty
my do_your_duty()
Clear two properties
--set viewScale to missing value
end run
--script do_your_duty
on do_your_duty()
(* viewScale is a global property *)
local racine_du_nom_de_forme, nb_documents, nom_du_document, corps_du_texte, dLeft, dTop, dRight
local dBottom, newLeft, newTop, Xleft, Ytop, xRight, yBottom, oWidth, oHeight, newHeight, topTruePage
local nb_de_paragraphes, le_rapport, premier_paragraphe, dernier_paragraphe, page_index, un_para, maybe
local page_number, commentaires_de_la_page, prems, commentaire, comment_loc, nom_forme, vPos, cible
my activateGUIscripting()
set shape_loc to my getLocalizedDrawablesFrameWorksName("Pages", "shape")
tell application "Pages" to tell document 1 to set {nom_du_document, corps_du_texte} to {name, body text}
As one or several inspector(s) may be open, close it (them).
my close_palettes()
if corps_du_texte is missing value then
Here if the doc is a Layout one *)
set le_rapport to my get_comments()
if le_rapport is not {} then
tell application "Pages" to tell document (my makeAnIworkDoc("Pages"))
set body text to my recolle({nom_du_document, le_rapport, current date}, return & return)
end tell
end if
Here if the doc is a Word Processing one *)
set racine_du_nom_de_forme to "rectangle_elgnatcer"
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
if my parleAnglais() then
display dialog "Don't touch the mouse or the keyboard until the end of the process." giving up after 120
display dialog "Ne pas toucher la souris ou le clavier avant la fin de l'opération." giving up after 120
end if
end tell -- application (path to frontmost application as text).
Resize the Pages window
tell application "Finder" to set {dLeft, dTop, dRight, dBottom} to bounds of window of desktop
set {newLeft, newTop} to {5, 25}
set newHeight to dBottom - newTop
tell application "Pages" to tell window nom_du_document
set {Xleft, Ytop, xRight, yBottom} to bounds
set {oWidth, oHeight} to {xRight - Xleft, yBottom - Ytop}
set bounds to {newLeft, newTop, newLeft + newHeight, newTop + newHeight}
end tell -- Pages.
Applying "Fit Page" make the task really easier
my selectSubMenu("Pages", 8, 13, 5) (* View > Zoom > Fit Page *)
tell application "Pages" to tell document nom_du_document
Grabs the view scale to calculate the true vertical locations.
tell its window to set viewScale to view scale / 100
set topTruePage to my get_page_top()
set nb_de_paragraphes to count of paragraphs
set le_rapport to {nom_du_document}
set {premier_paragraphe, dernier_paragraphe} to {1, 1}
Init the loop upon pages ==========================================
repeat with page_index from 1 to count pages
Bring the current page in the visible area
reveal page page_index
Loop defining the index of the last paragraph in the page
set un_para to premier_paragraphe
set page_number to page number of (get containing page of paragraph un_para)
if page_number > page_index then
set dernier_paragraphe to un_para - 1
exit repeat
set un_para to un_para + 1
if un_para > nb_de_paragraphes then exit repeat
end if
end repeat
tell page page_index
set commentaires_de_la_page to {}
set commentaires_de_la_page to my get_contents_infos(page_index)
end try
end tell
if commentaires_de_la_page is not {} then
set prems to true
repeat with commentaire from 1 to count of commentaires_de_la_page
set comment_loc to item 2 of (item commentaire of commentaires_de_la_page)
set un_para to premier_paragraphe
set nom_forme to racine_du_nom_de_forme & un_para
tell body text to make new shape at before character 1 of paragraph un_para with properties {shape type:rectangle, name:nom_forme, height:5, width:1}
set vPos to vertical position of shape nom_forme
delete shape nom_forme
if (topTruePage + (vPos * viewScale)) < comment_loc then
set un_para to un_para + 1
if prems then copy "----- page #" & page_index & " -----" to end of le_rapport
set prems to false
set cible to contents of paragraph (un_para - 1)
if (count of cible) = 1 then
set cible to ""
set cible to text 1 thru -2 of cible
end if
copy "« " & cible & " »" to end of le_rapport
copy "--> " & item 1 of (item commentaire of commentaires_de_la_page) to end of le_rapport
exit repeat
end if
end repeat -- un_para
end repeat -- with commentaire.
end if -- if commentaires_de_la_page
set premier_paragraphe to dernier_paragraphe + 1
end repeat -- loop to next page if there is one
end tell -- Pages.
set shape_loc to missing value
set viewScale to missing value
if le_rapport is not {nom_du_document} then
tell application "Pages" to tell document (my makeAnIworkDoc("Pages"))
set body text to my recolle(le_rapport, return & return)
end tell
end if -- le_rapport is not.
end if
end do_your_duty
--end script
on parleAnglais()
local z
tell application "Pages" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
on error
set z to "Cancel"
end try
return (z is not "Annuler")
end parleAnglais
on decoupe(t, d)
local oTIDs, l
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set l to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return l
end decoupe
on recolle(l, d)
local oTIDs, t
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set t to l as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return t
end recolle
Creates a new iWork document from the Blank template and returns its name.
set myNewDoc to my makeAnIworkDoc(theApp)
on makeAnIworkDoc(the_app)
local maybe, path_to_the_App, nb_doc, nom_du_document
if the_app is "Pages" then
tell application "Pages"
set nb_doc to count of documents
make new document with properties {template name:item 1 of templates}
end tell
else if the_app is "Pages" then
tell application "System Events" to set maybe to the_app is in title of every application process
if not maybe then tell application theApp to activate
tell application "System Events"
set path_to_the_App to get application file of application process the_app
end tell
tell application "Pages"
set nb_doc to count of documents
open ((path_to_the_App as text) & "Contents:Resources:Templates:Blank.nmbtemplate:")
end tell
if my parleAnglais(theApp) then
error "The application "" & the_app & "" is not accepted !"
error "l'application « " & the_app & " » n'est pas gérée !"
end if
end if
tell application the_app
repeat until (count of documents) > nb_doc
delay 0.1
end repeat
set nom_du_document to name of document 1
end tell -- the_App
return nom_du_document
end makeAnIworkDoc
on activateGUIscripting()
(* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
tell application "System Events"
if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true
end tell
end activateGUIscripting
on get_contents_infos(page_num)
local liste_rapport, les_commentaires, nb_commentaires, i, x, y, w, h
(* viewScale is a global property *)
set liste_rapport to {}
tell application "Pages" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Pages"
set frontmost to true
tell (first UI element whose role is "AXLayoutArea") of last scroll area of first splitter group of window 1
tell group page_num
set les_commentaires to (a reference to (UI elements where role is "AXLayoutItem" and description is shape_loc))
set nb_commentaires to count of les_commentaires
if nb_commentaires > 0 then
repeat with i from 1 to nb_commentaires
tell item i of les_commentaires
set {x, y} to position
set {w, h} to size
set comment_value to value of first text area
end tell
CAUTION, the grabbed size values are absolute ones, must apply the view scale to match the displayed ones
copy {comment_value, y + (h * viewScale / 2)} to end of liste_rapport
end repeat -- i
end if -- nb_commentaires > 0
end tell -- image
end tell -- layout
end tell -- System Events
return liste_rapport
end get_contents_infos
on close_palettes()
local w, buttonX, buttonY, buttonW, buttonH
tell application "Pages" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Pages"
set frontmost to true
repeat with w from (count of windows) to 1 by -1
tell window w
if (subrole is not "AXStandardWindow") then
tell first button to set {{buttonX, buttonY}, {buttonW, buttonH}} to {position, size}
click button 1 at {buttonX + (buttonW div 2), buttonY + (buttonH div 2)}
end if
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end close_palettes
on get_page_top()
local ScrollV_left, ScrollV_top, HR_left, HR_top, VR_left, VR_top, Y_top
tell application "Pages" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Pages"
set frontmost to true
tell last scroll area of first splitter group of window 1
Grab some vertical scroll bar's properties *)
tell scroll bar 2 to set {ScrollV_left, ScrollV_top} to get position
Try to grab some properties of horizontal ruler *)
tell (first UI element whose role is "AXRuler") to set {HR_left, HR_top} to get position
Try to grab some properties of vertical ruler *)
tell (last UI element whose role is "AXRuler") to set {VR_left, VR_top} to get position
on error
Exist horizontal ruler but no vertical one *)
set {VR_left, VR_top} to {0, 0}
end try
on error
No ruler at all *)
set {HR_left, HR_top} to {0, 0}
end try
if {HR_left, HR_top} = {0, 0} then
No horizontal ruler, full page top edge is the vertical scroll bar top one *)
set Y_top to ScrollV_top
full page top edge is the vertical ruler top one *)
set Y_top to VR_top
end if
end tell -- layout
end tell -- System Events
return Y_top
end get_page_top
Requires :
on get_iWorkNum(a)
local verNum
tell application a to set verNum to item 1 of my decoupe(get version, ".")
if (a is "Numbers" and verNum is "2") or (a is "Pages" and verNum is "4") then
return "09"
return "11"
end if
end get_iWorkNum
set shape_loc to my getLocalizedDrawablesFrameWorksName("Pages", "shape")
Requires :
on getLocalizedDrawablesFrameWorksName(theApp, x)
local p2bndl
set p2bndl to (path to application support as text) & "iWork '" & my get_iWorkNum(theApp) & ":Frameworks:SFDrawables.framework:Versions:A:Resources:"
return my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, p2bndl)
end getLocalizedDrawablesFrameWorksName
on getLocalizedName(a, x, f)
tell application a to return localized string x from table "Localizable" in bundle file f
end getLocalizedName
my selectSubMenu("Pages", 8, 13, 5) (* View > Zoom > Fit Page *)
==== Uses GUIscripting ====
on selectSubMenu(theApp, mt, mi, ms)
tell application theApp to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell process theApp to tell menu bar 1 to ¬
tell menu bar item mt to tell menu 1 to tell menu item mi to tell menu 1 to click menu item ms
end selectSubMenu
useful to get the indexs of the triggered item
my select_SubMenu("Pages", 8, 13, 5) (* View > Zoom > Fit Page *)
on select_SubMenu(theApp, mt, mi, ms)
tell application theApp to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell process theApp to tell menu bar 1
get name of menu bar items
01 - "Apple",
02 - "Pages",
03 - "Fichier",
04 - "Édition",
05 - "Insertion",
06 - "Format",
07 - "Disposition",
08 - "Présentation", <--
09 - "Fenêtre",
10 - "Partage",
11 - "Aide"}
get name of menu bar item mt
-- {"Tableau"}
tell menu bar item mt to tell menu 1
get name of menu items
01 - "Vignettes de page",
02 - "Rechercher",
03 - missing value,
04 - "Afficher le tiroir des styles",
05 - "Masquer les règles",
06 - "Masquer la barre des formats",
07 - "Afficher les commentaires",
08 - missing value,
09 - "Afficher la mise en page",
10 - "Masquer les caractères invisibles",
11 - "Afficher la structure du document",
12 - missing value,
13 - "Zoom", <--
14 - missing value,
15 - "Afficher l'inspecteur",
16 - "Nouvel inspecteur",
17 - missing value,
18 - "Afficher les couleurs",
19 - "Afficher Ajuster l'image",
20 - "Afficher le navigateur multimédia",
21 - "Afficher les avertissements du document",
22 - missing value,
23 - "Activer le mode plein écran",
24 - missing value,
25 - "Masquer la barre d'outils",
26 - "Personnaliser la barre d'outils."
get name of menu item mi
--"Rangs de bas de tableau"
tell menu item mi to tell menu 1
get name of menu items
(* {
1 - "Zoom avant",
2 - "Zoom arrière",
3 - "Taille réelle",
4 - "Ajuster la largeur",
5 - "Ajuster la page" <-- }
get name of menu item ms
click menu item ms
end tell -- menu item mi
end tell -- menu bar item mt
end tell -- System Events.
end select_SubMenu
on get_comments()
local nb_pages, liste_rapport, page_num, les_commentaires, maybe, liste_des_commentaires
tell application "Pages" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Pages"
set frontmost to true
tell (first UI element whose role is "AXLayoutArea") of last scroll area of first splitter group of window 1
set nb_pages to count group
set liste_rapport to {}
repeat with page_num from 1 to nb_pages
tell group page_num
(* the awful request *)
set les_commentaires to (a reference to (UI elements where role is "AXLayoutItem" and description is not "text box" and description is accessibility description))
set maybe to count of les_commentaires
set liste_des_commentaires to {}
if maybe > 0 then
copy "page #" & page_num to end of liste_rapport
repeat with i from 1 to maybe
copy "comment #" & i & return & (value of first text area of item i of les_commentaires) to end of liste_rapport
end repeat
end if -- maybe > 0
end tell -- group page_num
end repeat
end tell -- layout
end tell -- System Events
return liste_rapport
end get_comments
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 20 mars 2011 15:56:15