OK. I have an issue that really stumps me, and I could use some help. Picture this:
Two Machines. One at home. One at office.
Home machine is Intel machine running Snow Leopard (10.6.4).
Office machine is PPC G5 machine running Leopard (10.5.8)
I run the IDENTICAL code on each (below).
When I write the file from office and read it from office, no problem.
When I write the file from home and read it from home, no problem.
When I write the file from office and read it from home, no problem.
HOWEVER, when I write the file from home and read from office. I get an error.
Seems the data files should be identical, but they are apparently not.
The error I get at office while reading the file created at home is: Can’t get pName of {|pName|:“Created At Home”}.
Note that when the home machine saves the record and that data is read at the office the label has a vertical bar on each side of it. Vertical bar is not present with data files created at office. Is this a difference between Leopard and Snow Leopard somehow? Any ideas on fixing this problem are appreciated.
–Script starts here
set ourRawData to {pName:“Created At Home”} --Simple Record for test purposes. Actual record has many properties.
display dialog “What do you want to do?” buttons {“Read”, “Write”}
set ourResult to button returned of result
if ourResult is “Read” then
set theData to ReadLatestData()
display dialog pName of theData
else if ourResult is “Write” then
end if
on WriteLatestData(LatestData) --Write a datafile called “LatestData” that is stored in application. “LatestData” will contain the current “LatestData” array
set fileName to (path to desktop folder as Unicode text) & “LatestData”
set outFile to open for access fileName with write permission
write LatestData as record to outFile
close access outFile
end WriteLatestData
on ReadLatestData() --Read a datafile called “LatestData” to be stored in application. “LatestData” contains last used information
set fileName to (path to desktop folder as Unicode text) & “LatestData”
set ourFile to open for access fileName
set LatestDataFromFile to read ourFile as record
close access ourFile
return LatestDataFromFile
end ReadLatestData