I have this script that inserts two UTF-8 files into a new Excel document. The encoding of the German umlauts (ä, ö, Ü etc.) is wrong. How can I fix this?
set filePath to (path to desktop as text) & "de.txt"
set sourceContent to read file filePath
end try
-- Split the content into paragraphs
set sourceParagraphs to paragraphs of sourceContent
set filePath to (path to desktop as text) & "nl.txt"
set targetContent to read file filePath
end try
-- Split the content into paragraphs
set targetParagraphs to paragraphs of targetContent
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
-- Activate Excel
-- Create a new workbook
set newWorkbook to make new workbook
-- Get the first worksheet
set targetSheet to active sheet
-- Counter for row number
set rowNumber to 1
-- Write each paragraph to the first column
repeat with currentParagraph in sourceParagraphs
-- Skip empty paragraphs
if length of currentParagraph as string is greater than 0 then
-- Write to cell in column A
set targetCell to cell rowNumber of column 1
set value of targetCell to currentParagraph
-- Increment row counter
set rowNumber to rowNumber + 1
end if
end repeat
set rowNumber to 1
-- Write each paragraph to the first column
repeat with currentParagraph in targetParagraphs
-- Skip empty paragraphs
if length of currentParagraph as string is greater than 0 then
-- Write to cell in column B
set targetCell to cell rowNumber of column 2
set value of targetCell to currentParagraph
-- Increment row counter
set rowNumber to rowNumber + 1
end if
end repeat
set desktopPath to (path to desktop as text) & "import_tm.xlsx"
set desktopFile to POSIX path of desktopPath
save active workbook in desktopFile as workbook -- normal format
end tell