which I just took from a new AppleScriptObjC project created by Xcode… Seems like a logical thing to do but I didn’t consult any documentation to confirm it.
I’d be inclined to upgrade to 4.6.3, but I don’t think that’s the problem. And yes, that should be fine for main.m – I presume you also added AppleScriptObjC.framework to the project.
I’m a bit puzzled. I’d be very wary of upgrading a project like that – I think you’re better of building a new version and copying stuff across – but that doesn’t help find the problem. Are the .applescript files UTF8?
Also, you mention compiling the scripts in AppleScript Editor. Did you save after that? For a while ASE would still save as MacRoman, which could confuse Xcode – it only accepts UTF8 for AppleScript. What version of ASE and OS?
It was the “Compile AppleScript Files” build phase that remained from AppleScript Studio.
Thanks for all the advice Shane - eventually it’s your suggestion to move everything to a new project that made me compare the build phases and find it.