Xcode Display Dialog

Hi everyone,
I tried to generate text from QuarkXpress based on the user’s list of style through Display Dialog. This script works fine in Applescript, but when put into XCODE with a button us userinterface, the Display Dialog doesn’t works.


property XX : ""
on clicked theObject
	set recipe to ""
	set thisline to ""
	set dialogResult to display dialog "Input List of Styles" default answer XX
	set myList to text returned of dialogResult
	set XX to myList
	set source_folder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder containing QUARKXPRESS Documents"
	tell application "Finder" to set item_list to every item of source_folder
	set mySearchList to getwords(myList)
	repeat with this_item in item_list
		set doc_kind to kind of (info for this_item as alias)
		if doc_kind contains "QuarkXPress" then
			tell application "QuarkXPress"
				open this_item use doc prefs no remap fonts no do auto picture import no without reflow
				set recipe to recipe & name of document 1 & return
			end tell
		end if
		set recipe to GenerateList(mySearchList, recipe)
	end repeat
	tell application "TextEdit"
		make new document at beginning with properties {text:recipe as Unicode text}
	end tell --application
end clicked

on GenerateList(mySearchList, recipe)
	repeat with i from 1 to (count of mySearchList)
		set myStyle to item i of mySearchList
		tell application "QuarkXPress"
			tell document 1
				set pageList to every page
				repeat with aPage in pageList
					tell aPage
						set pageIndex to index
						set pageName to name
						set textBoxList to every text box
						repeat with aTextBox in textBoxList
							tell aTextBox
								set foundParagraphList to (every paragraph whose style sheet is myStyle)
								repeat with aParagraph in foundParagraphList
									set thisline to contents of aParagraph
									set recipe to recipe & myStyle & tab & thisline & tab & pageIndex & return
								end repeat
							end tell --aTextBox
						end repeat
					end tell --aPage
				end repeat
			end tell --document
		end tell
	end repeat
	tell application "QuarkXPress"
		tell document 1
			close saving no
		end tell
	end tell
	return recipe
end GenerateList

on getwords(txt)
	set olddelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
	set txtitems to text items of txt
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to olddelims
	return txtitems
end getwords


this syntax should also work in AppleScript Studio.
Is the button properly named and connected to the script in Interface Builder?

Hi Stefan,

Yes button is properly named and connected, but when I click the button it directly prompts for source_folder 8th line instead of display dialog 5th line.

Is there any limitation for using display dialog command in Xcode??

Actually there is no difference using display dialog with the parameter default answer, but this is AppleScript Studio.
You can easily implement a text field instead of display dialog