I’ve been using XMail for awhile to send out custom HTML emails. After upgrading to Snow Leopard, I realized that it no longer works. Does anyone know a good alternative to XMail (preferably free) that allows you to send out HTML emails (not using the Mail.app)?
I use this Ruby script to send html email. This works on Snow Leopard and has no external dependencies.
It is actually a very small script if you take out all the error message text.
Call it from AppleScript like this
set theMessage to "From: Private Person <me@fromdomain.com>
To: A Test User <test@todomain.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html
Subject: SMTP e-mail test
This is an e-mail message sent in HTML format
<h1>This is a headline</h1>
<strong>This text is in BOLD.</strong>"
set theRecipient to quoted form of "test@todomain.com"
set theSender to quoted form of "me@fromdomain.com"
set msg to quoted form of theMessage
set theRes to do shell script "/usr/bin/ruby ~/desktop/send_mail.rb " & theRecipient & space & theSender & space & msg
This is a late reply, but thanks a ton for the help.
If anyone else is trying to use the above script and you copy and paste it from a webpage, make sure you remove the hidden characters that might get copied from the webpage with an editor, like BBEdit.
Also, this is probably a good reference for anyone else trying to tweak the script: