well l was testing to see the script hendo made me and it worked and then well l found a way around it add a folder to it by holding it under click and press spacebar to open to folder is there any script that will close to folder as things are attempted to be placed in?
l happened to fix tha problem myself
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
tell application "Finder"
close this_folder
end tell
end adding folder items to
Na it’s correct but it doesn’t stop it
property dialog_timeout : 30
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
tell application "Finder"
set the folder_name to the name of this_folder
end tell
set the item_count to the number of items in the added_items
tell application "Finder"
open this_folder
select the added_items
move the added_items to desktop
end tell
end try
end adding folder items to
the script above makes it impossible to add things to tha folder but still l can though it anyone got anyideas to make it inpossible to get into?
Um, are you saying that you want your folder action to reject any item added to it? This is the folder action you want to attach to
I am by no means an expert, but I think that could be a very bad idea. The only suggestion that I would make is to reconsider the advice you’ve already received regarding the futility of this exercise.
l’ll try to refrase it then
l was finding out if the script l got from someone in here about a password and that script worked and no - one could get in
then l tryed other ways of getting into the folder l just put the script on and l found 2 ways 1 was to add a file(which l have now fixed)
and the second was that if u held anyobjet / folder and press spacebar on the folder which has the password protect it would let u in and there was no prompt for the password making the password useless…the reason l have posted this is as l was trying to find other ways my twin watched and found out so l need to protect it once again
any more reword needed?
do you want to see what l mean?
if so tell me l’ll give u the protect script
Capj l reread ur post and no it’s not going on our “Woolfe” folder it’s going on my(“Matts”) folder as it has some very important proof inside it that l have done the best job protecting but still with a little time the file can be accessed
but don’t worry bout that
im not gonna lie i supplied him with the couple scripts…i am clearly a failure at scripting
Ur definatly not a failure l think ur the one that gave me the password scripts that work perfectly excet they can be easyily broken
- ur really good @ this compared to me…then again most of u are
well that means anyone that can make entirely new scripts about anything
l just usually find a few and out them togher
making absoloutly nothing of use
Your evil twin, or is that you?
You’re script works but only to a point; people much more knowledgeable than I say that you are tilting at windmills. I’m inclined to trust those who say that a folder action is not going to work. Your “Neener Neener” dialog was funny, I’ll give you that.
KS, is there a reason you don’t want to use an encrypted (password protected) read/write disk image? It will do what you want - without the vulnerability that a folder action has.
You could use Disk Utility to make a blank disk image large enough to hold your files. If you prefer AppleScript, there is a script that you could work with in Code Exchange. See post #9 of this thread:
Well l must not know something u do casue no matter wat l typed that thing wouldn’t work so u got anyother ideas to pass protect?
What didn’t work, the script to create disk images? It worked for me - what happened?
I am but l don’t get caught so my parents think l’m the perfect child
l have no idea
Um, let’s try again. By “What happened?” I mean just that, not “Do you know what went wrong?”
Did you open the script the editor and run it? You should see a dialog saying “Enter the name of the sparse image.” You can choose encrypted or not.
Next, you are prompted for the size, then to choose a folder. The new disk image can be found in that folder.
When you run it, watch the event log. That will help if there are errors.
Edit: I left out that if you chose “Encrypted” you won’t be asked to assign a password until after choosing a folder.
well l got on idea this was the event log
tell current application
display dialog “Enter the name of the sparse image:” default answer “” buttons {“Cancel”, “Not Encrypted”, “Encrypted”} default button 3
{text returned:“1156”, button returned:“Encrypted”}
display dialog “Size:” default answer “4g”
{text returned:“222.6MB”, button returned:“OK”}
choose folder
alias “Woolfe:Users:imac:Desktop:1154:”
do shell script “cd "/Users/imac/Desktop/1154/"; hdiutil create 1156 -size 222.6MB -encryption -type SPARSE -fs HFS+ -volname 1156; open 1156.sparseimage”
“created: /Users/imac/Desktop/1154/1156.sparseimage”
end tell
tell application “Finder”
end tell
wat am l missing?
Was it seposed to be a picture or folder?
casue when it came to picking images it wouldn’t let me
According to your log, you should have a disk image - 1156.sparseimage - in folder 1154. It is not an image in the picture sense. It’s icon is of a liitle hard drive on a white document with it’s top right corner bent. It probably also mounted. If so there would be a white rectangular icon called 1156 on your desktop. It would be empty because you haven’t added anything to it. If you need to see examples, I’d have to send a P.M. or e-mail with a screenshot.
Unless you repost, I’ll assume that you’ve sorted out your disk image.
I’m done for the night.